NBC Cleveland Hustles
Show launch Activations
CNBC tapped my agency to help promote the newest television venture of basketball player, LeBron James - a Shark Tank-esque reality TV show called “Cleveland Hustles.”
With a three-week timeline to plan and execute the project on a limited budget, the #PitchLeBronContest was launched, a contest for entrants to pitch their small business for the chance to win an endorsement on LeBron’s social platforms.
I oversaw the development of all campaign marketing materials and produced a three-city pitch tour in key show markets (Philadelphia, Chicago, and San Francisco) with show host, Bonin Bough to promote the show launch and the contest. At each event, local businesses could come and pitch Bough in person and receive live feedback on their business model.
In addition to pitch sessions, we hosted industry panels to offer advice to local entrepreneurs on how to grow their businesses. Most notably, former Twitter COO, Adam Bain, joined our San Francisco event to share his advice and experience with local entrepreneurs.
Directed, Produced by: Briana Berry